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1. Squats
Squats are the best exercise for lower body muscles, particularly the glutes. Keep your body upright with feet slightly wider than shoulders,tighten your abdomen and stretch your arms out. Your heels having your body weight, you lower yourself towards the floor by bending at the hips and knees.
2. Jumping Rope
Jumping a rope is the best exercise to stimulate your muscles.
3. Firecracker Abs
Lift both your legs up to about 90 degrees while lying on the ground and hands under your bottom.
4. Triceps Dips
Sit on the edge of a chair with your back close to it and hands next to hips. Slide your bottom off the edge and bend elbows to 90 degrees, then push back up. Do it for 10 to 12 times.
5. Push Ups
Push ups helps tone your muscles. In the beginning start with knees and then do full push ups on the balls of your feet.
Also Read: 11 Best Short Fitness Workouts For Fast Weight Loss
6. Lunges
For thigh toning, lunges are the best exercise. It greatly helps you to burn calories.
7. Standing Leg Lifts
Lift your leg a few inches and engage your glutes. Just keep a strong focus on range of motion, a controlled, slow pace plus flexibility and not on speed.
8. Exercise Ball Crunch
Sit on your exercise ball while keeping your back straight and chin facing upward. Exhale and inhale while moving your legs forward and backward.
9. Superwoman Exercise
Flat your stomach on the ground and start raising your upper body and legs as high as possible so you can squeeze your back area as much as you can.
10. Arnold Press
For shoulder exercise, extend your elbow while holding dumbbells and internally rotate your shoulder. Lower to original position and repeat.
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